Monday, October 12, 2009

The art of fashion

A few days ago I went to see the exhibition 'The art of fashion' at the museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam. There were some really inspiring pieces of art there. Here are some of my favourites:

In the front is some work made by Comme de Garçons and in the back some paper dresses by Dirk van Saene.

Gorgeous installation 'Micro Geography' by Hussein Chalayan and a giant wig by Charlie Le Mindu

Nick Cave

Fur head by Louise Bourgeois and 'Soundsuit' made out of vintage hats by Nick Cave

Temper Tantrum by Louise Bourgeois


  1. wow, these are stunning! i love the paper dresses

  2. I adore the very first photo is is simply amazing::::
