Sunday, October 25, 2009

Collecter's mania

I've got a craze for collecting. Old pictures, books, laces, suitcases... My house is too small for all my stuff! I'm not able to throw away anything, I want to keep it all! I took these pictures of these beautiful collections in Paris, wishing this stuff was all mine..
I'm really curious about your collections!


  1. amazing, oh my, so beautiful. i especially love those books and the cameos, absolutely enchanting. my biggest collection is of napkins :) coloured and illustrated. but i also have many, many other little things gathered together which i love endlessly. much love <3

  2. There's something about old books that take my breath away!!

    Thanks for visiting Deco Love. Your blog is lovely! I'm a follower now :)



  3. oh my, these photos are beautiful and inspire me to collect. the old books are a favourite :)

  4. Beautiful pictures, dear! I love old books too, I was so sad that I had to leave my collection behind when I moved to another state a few years ago.

  5. AH I know what you mean! I collect everything as well and my room is overflowing xD

  6. I've never been much of a collector, but more of a throw-awayer ;) Lately, though, I've been collecting bits of paper, as I'm trying my had at collage.

  7. I love what you collect! I also love to collect different things such as fabrics, trims, vintage little pieces, etc..You have an adorable blog! Please come to my blog because I nominated you for an award.
    The rules are on my blog :)

  8. - cookbooks, which i love reading but don't use for cooking (i'm a stunt person when it comes to food)

    - umbrellas, because i live in the western part of norway. i figure that if one needs an umbrella most days anyway, it should be lovely.
