Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Octobre en France

I'm in the south of France right now, taking a little vacation with my family. We're staying in a cute French house in the mountains near a little village called Sospel. I've always had a soft spot for France. The language, the food, the countryside, Paris... I just love it all. I've been trying to learn the language for a while but I think it's quite difficult. They just talk so fast! Here are some pictures I took of the place we're staying in. More pictures of my trip will follow.

A pretty print hanging in the hall.


I love this sign on the bathroom door.

This was a house we passed on the way to the place we're staying now. I just love the colors, the window blinds and the little balconies.

A meter or something in the hall. I just think it's pretty

My worn off shoes in the sun...

A little cabinet for your keys.

People who have been following my blog might know I've got a little thing for light-switches.


  1. Oh I love how you took pics of the light switch, the meter, your shoes, okay actually everything! You seem to find beauty in the most simple things:)

  2. You lucky, lucky girl! Such an incredible time of year to be in France! Golden!

    J'adore the little bathroom door object!

  3. Ah is so jealous! I want to be in France T___T.

    The weather is terrible here hahahha I want sunshine too xD

  4. I have always wanted to go to France!!! Lovely pictures!

  5. looks and sounds like you had a great trip! i'm struggling with my french too - i learnt some in school and it's quite fascinating how much i've forgotten... but i think the french people are happy that we at least try =)
