Friday, December 18, 2009

Made by hand

I'm back from Paris! I love that city so much! Can't wait to plan my next trip again! I think I'm gonna wait till it gets a bit warmer though cause it was freezing! Because of the cold I didn't take as much pictures as I wanted to. My hands were frozen after a few minutes without my gloves on! The day I was leaving it was snowing and Paris looks beautiful when everything is all white. I will show you some of the pictures I took with my digital camera in the next couple of days. I also took some pictures with my analogue camera's, I think they will be developed next week.

Took this picture in the train (Thalys) to Paris wich brought me there in 2,5 hours! I borrowed this gorgeous book by Pia Jane Bijkerk from Lenneke from A little hamster. The book is filled with adresses of gorgeous shops in Paris. I didn't have the time to visit them all but the ones I did visit were great! On my next trip I think I will make a 'made by hand' route so I won't miss out on any of these shops!

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