Monday, January 18, 2010

Let's get personal

I took these pictures of Lenneke's home for the 'Let's get personal' project on Bloesems blog where Bloesem is asking some Dutch desigers to show their home and answer some questions. Lenneke (from A little hamster) has got such a creative home with all these pretty details. I got all inspired when I took these pictures at her place!


  1. Everything is very very pretty. I love the photos you took in the last post btw.

  2. what a pretty little room! my favorite is the 4th picture, I'd love to have a wall with beautiful photos.


    p.s. stop by my blog. there's a little surprise ;)

  3. Oh! so YOU took these amazing pictures of her home...
    I have met Len in Singapore recently, and she introduced me your blog... lovely work!!
