Friday, January 1, 2010

Year in a review

First of all: Happy New Year to all of you! I hope everyone had a lovely new years eve! I had such a great time celebrating it with my boyfriend and lots of friends! I have a feeling 2010 is gonna be a good year!!
Micaela of the gorgeous blog The Drifter and the Gypsy asked me to contribute to the series 'A year in review' on her blog. It's a list of 9 things I liked in 2009. She asked some more bloggers to do the same so go and check it out! Here's my list and the mosaic Micaela made:

  • Started a blog: I started blogging last October and I'm so glad I did! It's really addictive though...
  • Paris: The city of my dreams. I visited Paris two times this year and still can't get enough of it! How I would love to live there...
  • Analogue photography: Though I really like my digital SLR I still prefer to work with my analogue cameras. I'm planning to make a little darkroom to develop my own pictures.
  • Flowers: I love flowers so much that I recently decided to buy myself flowers weekly.
  • Books: I've always been reading a lot, but awhile ago when my TV didn't work for a few weeks, I started reading even more. I love to get absorbed in a good book.
  • My publications: I started this year with a publication of some of my styling work in Dutch Elle. It's really cool to see your own work in a magazine.
  • Macarons: I think 2009 was the year of the macarons. :) I've seen so many (pretty) pictures of them everywhere and I still can't get enough of them!
  • Flow: A new Dutch feel-good magazine with pretty little gifts in it like wrapping paper and pretty little postcards. It's a gorgeous magazine! They have a Dutch website where you can download some cute stuff.
  • Tim Walker: His work is perfect and such an inspiration for me. I buy every magazine his work is in. His book 'Pictures' was my christmas present last year and it inspired me lots of times in 2009 and will definitely inspire me again in 2010!

    1. ohh, thanks for posting about this!
      be sure to check out the others!
      your list was so lovely!


      P.S. are you planning on going to paris over the summer? cause i might be taking vacation there (not definite, yet) so maybe we could try to meet up??

    2. Oooh I love the list)
      So many different things together!)) Happy New Year!


    3. Happy new year! I love your list, they're some of my favourite things too:)


    4. for every point on your list i found myself saying to myself YES!

    5. Oooo I love Tim Walker :).
      I might have a look for that book..

    6. I love the pictures on your blog. They are wonderful!

    7. /i loved reading this! on my way to check out the rest of the post now! Congratulations on all that you accomplished last year xx
