Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fresh flowers

First of all: I just wanted to thank you all for visiting my blog and for all the sweet comments on my posts! Though I haven't had much time lately to answer them all, I really enjoy reading them! :)

I try to go to the market every saturday to get some fresh flowers. I love how they bring life into my house so I put some in every single room. I don't really have a favourite flower. I always liked weird looking flowers but lately I really enjoy the good old roses and the Dutch tulips. Do you have a favourite flower?


  1. oohh, these are all so pretty!

    i love the teacup one!

  2. my favorite flower is magnolia, cherry blossom and neroli jasmine:)

  3. I love all these flowers. I'm a real flowergirl, that's why I'm called Fleur... Haha. I especially like white and light pink roses. They're just so special and beautiful. Just as your blog, it's really adorable.

  4. I adore flowers! These are so beautiful :)

  5. I love the petals in thst cute cup!

  6. ooo these are dreamy and beautiful! thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  7. keeping up with answering to comments can be a little stressful when you're busy (i used to answer to everyone and was constantly worried that i had left someone out...)

    i love orchids - potted ones, i think it's so exciting trying to make them blossom again! and i love your flowers - lovely photos =)

  8. Those are so lovely. My favorite flowers are tulips and peonies (which I'm so excited for them to come into season!)

  9. a-ma-zing.
    in gedachten stuur ik je vriendin net zulke mooie bloemen.

