Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hi there! It's been a while but I'm back now! After the accident my friend had blogging just didn't seem important at all. It happened 3 weeks ago and my friend is doing much better, she's awake now and she's talking again. She still is really confused and she's telling all these weird stories but I think she will get all better. This all made me realize how important my friends are to me..
The past week I really started missing blogging again. I've been quite busy lately with some shoots. I will show you some results later. The great thing about being a stylist is that I get to borrow all these pretty clothes. Sometimes I wish I could just keep them all... This is how my room looked like the past week:

Sorry for the bad quality, I took this photo with my mobile phone...


  1. Welcome back! I really missed your inspirational and sweet messages. All those pretty clothes... I love them.

  2. I'm so sorry about your friend. I can't imagine how scary it must have been. I'm glad she's going to be ok though. Welcome back! x

  3. I'm glad she's feeling better. So true, friends are most dear to us and come first.

  4. so sorry about your friend! hope she's doing better!

  5. I am happy for you, your friend will be okay again and is feeling better. Having a loved one who is hurt is awfull especially because you feel helpless sometimes.

    I envy you..those clothes...wow. Working benefits right:-)

  6. glad to hear your friend is feeling better!! and yay you're back! i miss your posts :)

  7. Wishing your friend all the best. Lovely to see more posts from you. Always so inspiring. x
