Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yay! In three weeks I'm going for a long weekend to London! I can't wait! It's been 6 years since my last visit and on that trip I only visited the tourist attractions there. So if there's anyone who has some great suggestions of where to go please let me know!


  1. Oh wow, London is so great! I've been there one year ago, and I absolutely loved Notting Hill. Portobello market (the greates antique market of Europe) and the small shops with amazing vintage and antique things. I loved it!


  2. oh wow, lucky you. i was there last year and had a ball. I had forgotten just how much i love it.

    the V & A museum is a must, and i love the parks so much. kensington gardens is superb.

  3. luuuuuuuuuuuuucky! i wish i had tips for you, hopefully you'll be the one with all the awesome tips when you return!

  4. ohhh how fun! i've never been, but i would love to :)

  5. Oh! That sounds wonderful! I have never been to London, but I hope one day I can go!

  6. hello! lovely blog, i just discovered it! have fun in London, i live in England near Manchester..i try to go to London as often as possible :P

  7. oh ik ben jaloers. i am dreaming lately that i am moving back to london... enjoy, you will love it!
