Sunday, June 6, 2010


I've been working on a little project lately in studio IJm with photographer Miep Jukkema. I will tell you more about it later if it all works out the way we want it to. We did this shoot last week wich is suppose to look like a little play. The cat mask and the black stove on the first pictures were made by the talented Elsa Dray-Farges. I think the result is quite cute..


  1. ah this is so cute! my fave is the second one, beautiful! your photos are always so pretty :)

  2. Oh it looks wonderful! Absolutely love the concept!

  3. Oh cette petite pièce de théâtre est trop mignonne !
    Je trouve le chant super émouvant ! ♥
    Bises ♥

  4. Hi there, i just came by and i wanted to tell you your blog is great! I'm going to follow you :)

  5. Prachtige shoot! Ik wilde even zeggen dat ik een nieuwe link heb, dus als je me weer wilt volgen, moet je je eerst afmelden en dan weer aanmelden. Anders zie je niet in het menu als ik een bericht heb gepost. Alvast bedankt!

