Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Banana Pancakes

One of my favourite artists is Jack Johnson. A few weeks ago I went to see his concert in Amsterdam (where I took these photos). It was amazing, he was so good! His music just makes me feel really happy, esspecially the song banana pancakes. Every time I listen to this song I want to eat some! I think I'm gonna make them tomorrow... :)
(by the way: I think Jack is really pretty!! :p)


  1. lucky you!!!!! Zo' n heerlijke muziek!

  2. oh, I also got to see him some weeks ago at a festival. i love his music, it makes me want to lie down into a hammock and watch the sea.. yes.

  3. Lucky you! I lived in Hawaii (and saw Jack Johnson a few times...lucky me) and I will let you in a little secret about banana pancakes. If you eat them with macadamia nut sauce (a sweet frothy sauce) - you may actually die of pleasure.

  4. jealous! jack johnson is awesome. i like better together more though. we used to listen to him while going on road trips. <3
