Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chocolat is the answer

Another perfect place in London: Columbia Road. On Sunday this street is transformed into an oasis of follage and flowers. The shops here are just amazing! You can find lots of creative/ vintage/ fun stores there! It's near Brick Lane so if you go there make sure you visit Columbia Road with it's flowermarket as well!


  1. oh great i'm going to london next week! will definitaly visit that road!!

  2. so cute!! Indeed chocolate is the answer the many things!! I can have it every single time of the day

  3. What a lovely place to be. I love London.
    And I love your blog, your photos and your home!!!! I would love to post some photos from your livingroom at my blog! Would that be ok for you?
    I will deffenately come back and visit you!!
    Best regards from Marie :) (Norway)
