Monday, August 16, 2010

Madame Masette

Most people go to Amsterdam when they visit The Netherlands. I really get it cause there's so much to do there and the city has a great atmosphere. But I live in Rotterdam and it's much more modern and doesn't look as cosy as Amsterdam but when you get to know this city you can be pleasantly surprised. I would like to share some great things Rotterdam has to offer, starting with this charming new place where I really like to have lunch and eat some great pies. It's called Madame Masette and the owners were inspired by France and the traditional bistros you can find there. I think they did a great job capturing a French atmosphere with the checked table covers and other little details. I love how they expose their collection of vintage finds and handmade stuff, it's really an inspirational place and their food is delicious! So if you ever go to Rotterdam, just make sure you'll pay a visit to Madame Masette!

Translation: A person smiles an average of twenty times per day.


  1. Oooh it's so cute! I 'd love to see more of Rotterdam too!

  2. Looks like a lovely place to stroll around.

  3. Looks amazing, lots of people have been telling me how nice Rotterdam is I'm very tempted to make a visit there soon xoxo

  4. Voor mijn verjaardag mag ik een plaats uitzoeken om een dagje naartoe te gaan en Rotterdam lijkt me daar perfect voor. Je blog is echt een inspiratiebron en je hebt een fantastische stijl. Echt een leuke tip!

  5. Hope you had a nice birthday.
    The photos in this post really work so well together!
    I love the heart and the checked tablecloths.
    Kat x

  6. such a cute little cafe! i don't think they exist 5 years ago when i lived in rotterdam? whereabout are they? it has been way too long since i left rotterdam i should start saving and plan a visit soon!!

  7. I live in Rotterdam for 10 years now, please all come!! It's a beautifull city were there is lot's to do and see, eat and drink at lovely places as seen in this blog. If you want more info you can mail me at:

  8. Wow! I love your 'where to go/ehat to see' of Rotterdam! Heavenly places and things.Thanks you:) I will share your blog through mine if that's okay...gorgeous!
