Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kunsthal kookt

Last week I went to this festival called Kunshal kookt. This festival is all about cooking and good food. There were lots of stand with so much great and delicious (biological/ ecological) food! I always get overexcited when there's food involved, I wanted to taste everything! The good thing about this festival was that you were allowed to try it all! So I did.. Esspecially the chocolats and (as a typical Dutch girl) all sorts of cheese! As you can see I had some trouble making a decision which photos to show you cause there were so many lovely things. I just hope it's not too much..

I'm hungry again..


  1. Dat ziet er zo lekker uit allemaal. Ik zou ook alles willen proeven, je wordt er zo hebberig van en ik ben altijd bang dat ik dan niet alles kan proeven omdat het dan op is...en hou mensen dan ook in de gaten dat ze niet alles wegkapen en krijg er stress van. Vreselijk vind ik mezelf dan:-)
    Kunsthal heeft vaker leuke dingen...helaas kom ik niet zo veel meer in Rotterdam, moet er maar weer eens meer tijd voor maken.

  2. Wow! You are so lucky!!!!, it's really beautiful and seems so yummy!!!!

  3. Hi. I just love your blog, photos and your style!!
    May I use some of youre photos to write about you at my own blogg? I would really love that :)
    Have a wonderful day!
    Kisses Marie :)

  4. it looks amazing, i love markets, so glad i stumbled into a blog that has amazing pictures, interior and food!!!
