Monday, October 11, 2010

The city of light

This is my first Much love Monday participation! I love reading this gorgeous blog where Anna gives her readers the chance every Monday to share the things they love..

One thing I really love so much is my favourite city Paris. I've been there 8 times now and I'm going back again next week! I just can't wait! Last time I was there was last December with my ex boyfriend and it actually was not such a great succes. You would think Paris can only bring a couple closer together with all the romantic Christmas lights but it didn't work for us at all! Maybe it was just too cold and I guess we weren't really meant to be together.. He gave me this little heart-shaped plant below on Valentines day and the funny thing is that the week he broke up with me this plant died! Coincidence? :)


  1. Beautiful photo. Such a shame you and your boyfriend had to break up in Paris, of all places. Your next trip will be better, I hope!

  2. Paris is een mooie stad, is voor mij al zo' n 12 jaar geleden dat ik er ben geweest. Fijn dat je laatste bezoekje er niet voor gezorgd heeft dat je er niet meer heen wil, je raakt daar niet uitgekeken. Heel veel plezier volgende week!!

  3. hahaha very cute and what a coincidence!!! :)
