Friday, October 29, 2010

Tombées du Camion

In the little village where I grew up lived a woman who collected all kind of stuff. Her whole house was filled with her collections cause she could't threw away anything. She went so far she couldn't even walk normally through her house anymore cause of the clutter which was everywhere. It was even piling up against her windows! When I was a child my parents said to me I looked like her cause I liked to collect everything and I really had problems with throwing away things as well. I haven't changed much since but in contrary to that woman from my village I can still walk through my house normally (most of the times). When I was in Paris I visited this little store called Tombées du Camion (which I found through Pia Jane's book Made by Hand: Paris). It's a little shop filled with all kind of collections: Litlle dolls, parts of dolls, buttons, little boxes: I thought I went crazy: All these beautiful things together! I couldn't stop taking photos.. When you go to Paris, go and take a look at this beautiful shop. It was only until I got home I found out there were more them in Paris. Next time I'm there I'm definitely gonna visit them all. Don't forget to take a look at their beautiful website for more photos and the adresses as well..


  1. wow you could look round that shop for days and still not see everything!
    I really enjoy reading your blog btw - you have kind of a fairytale way of writing :) x

  2. Oh, it looks like such a wonderful shop... so pretty :)

  3. Ken dat:-) Woon zelfs samen met iemand die veel erger is, de verzamelt vanalles wat hij vind, zijn favoriete winkel is de kringloopwinkel.Ons huis staat gezellig vol, maar met verhuizingen...nou dat is dan net eff lastig:-) Lijkt me een heerlijke winkel. Als ik eens naar Parijs ga, ga ik eerst alle tips uit je blog op een lijstje zetten.

    Fijn weekend.

  4. I went to this shop in Paris last month! It's magical! xx

  5. Hi!
    This shop looks like heaven! I can't stop collecting things either-but can usually walk through my house! I once went to the house of someone who collected newspapers and books and there were literally tiny corridors to walk through. I will defintely visit this shop when next in Paris!

  6. love the pictures so much! also thanks for your comment on my blog, it really means a lot :)

  7. Beautiful photos and share... I'm very much with you on the collecting of things dear Sobinique!

  8. Wat leuk, ik woon hier vlakbij! Noem het altijd 'het poppendokterwinkeltje' :-) Mooie foto's heb je gemaakt!

  9. i absolutely love the photos above!!! ^^ ^^
