Monday, November 15, 2010

Bad luck

Last weekend I was testing the beautiful new face Jeske from Max Models. It was a terrible day. It was her first shoot and she was doing great but I had some bad luck myself with my camera's.. I use to have 2 great lenses for my camera but on my trip to Paris I dropped my camera and one of them broke. Thank god it wasn't my best lens I thought.. But when I was shooting with Jeske that one just stopped working as well! I took my old camera which works quite well but because I didn't think I would use it I didn't charge the batteries so I could only shoot for half an hour.. That brought me back to my analogue camera's but I only had one film left! I was so stressed! It just wasn't my best shooting day I guess.. The model was doing a good job though and I still managed to get some good shots of her! The good thing about all this is that I had to buy a new lens! I bought a macro and I'm experimenting with it right now and I just love the results! I will show you some later!
I hope you all had a good weekend...

Here's a polaroid I took of Jeske:


  1. Oh, that really is some bad luck! The polaroid turned out beautiful though :)
    And i'm curious to your macro pictures...i think that's a wonderfull lens.

  2. bad luck....what can you do....into each life some rain must fall....anyway the polaroids are perfectly lovely...lenses i dream of buying all sorts of fun lenses....all in all it seems everything worked out the way it should of have!

  3. oh dear, camera disaster.. but now you have an excuse to buy new lens! always think of the bright side right ;)
