Thursday, November 4, 2010


In all my trips to Paris I never visited the shop Merci before, but in my last trip I did! I was really, really looking forward to it cause I heard so much about it but I must say I was a little bit dissapointed. It's a beautiful, big shop filled with lovely stuff but I thought I would go all crazy and that I would leave with a bag filled with must-haves. I didn't see that much things I really fell in love with and the things I did see were just a bit too expensive for me. I'm not saying that when you visit Paris you shouldn't go and visit Merci because I really think you should! It's a gorgeous shop with great products but I think my expectations were just a bit too high.. By the way, the place in Merci with all the bookshelves where you can have a drink looks amazing!! Feels like you're having a drink in a library: I really loved this idea! :)


  1. finally somebody who shares my opinion :)
    Me too I thought it would be a dangerous place and too much money going over the shelter but not much that I wanted, wanted like crazy... so I did not check lots of price tags...
    there are better shops in Paris!

  2. wow, I can't wait to visit it,it looks like my kind of shop :) .have a lovely week-end,Maria

  3. hey! pretty as usual. I tagged you for a blog award :) Just take a look at my latest post!

    - see you, Min.

  4. that shop looks amazing though its sad that things are so expensive..

  5. i really do like the cafe slash bookstore idea as well, there are few cafes here in sydney which have the same concept.

  6. oh, the dream of Paris! these photos are gorgeous:)

  7. Hai! Wat een leuke blog heb jij, ik herken veel leuke Parijs spots! Te gekke stad heh? En wat een mooie foto's maak je! Wat voor een camera gebruik jij?

    Groetjes Marion
