Friday, May 13, 2011

Home made granola

I'm quite obsessed with food lately! I just love cooking, going to good restaurants and instead of fashion magazines I now buy magazines about food. I even read cookbooks in bed before I go to sleep.. One of my favourites right now is the book Home Made by the Dutch Yvette van Boven which I got as a present last Christmas. Next to her delicious cooking she also makes great illustrations. You can see more of her work and follow her on her blog. The book Home made is only out in Dutch but will be out in English this fall!
The recipe for this granola is in the book as well. It tasted really good and I gave some of it as a present to my mom in some old jars which I thought looked quite nice.
Hope you will all have a great weekend!


  1. This packaging's so easy and chic! And congs for this wonderful blog! it's so full of great inspirations!!!!
    Your newest follower from Rome.

  2. ahh honey your blog is like a mini italy or a parisian boutique/bakery/art exhibition area, it's so clean and classy i love the photos :)

  3. Such a great idea for a gift! I love homemade, personal gifts!
