Friday, March 23, 2012


Some more photos I took last summer in France. On our way back to Holland we decided to stop in this little village called Beaume. I had never heard of it before so it was such a lovely surprise to step into this typical French village where the atmosphere reminded me of the movie Amelie. It even got more special when we got to the hotel wich looked like a movie set. I will post some photos of the hotel later on!



  1. Weet je, ik krijg maar niet genoeg van dit soort foto's. Je benadrukt de stilte van dit dorp in je foto's. Prachtig hoor.

  2. I love Amelie! And these photographs are beautiful, you have really captured the characteristics of a typical French village. x

  3. i love those photos you take of windows and doors. so pretty. :D

  4. I absolutely adore those photos! If I ever have the chance I 'll visit Beaume!

  5. Yes, got to love small town France! The amazing thing is that they almost always remind me of Amelie - you've captured it beautifully. Thanks for sharing...

  6. Wow, such lovely photos! Cobbled streets and old buildings, take me there!
