Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daisy Kroon

This is the promotional poster of the Dutch designer Daisy Kroon with the pictures I took a while ago. I did a post about her before when I was editing the pictures but I like seeing the results printed on this poster.

Some of my personal favourites:

Friday, February 26, 2010

My livingroom

Though my room is not all finished yet here are some pictures of my new livingroom! Don't hope it's too much, I had some trouble choosing... Have a lovely weekend!!
My little fish says hi! :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I don't know if they will like seeing this on the internet but I just wanted to share this picture of my parents with you. It makes me really happy. I think it looks perfect, you can see their love on this picture wich I can still see every time I see my parents together nowadays..

Monday, February 22, 2010


I told you I did a restyling of my livingroom so here's a before and after picture. As you can see I painted my floor and my wall and I'm very happy with the results! It's so much lighter than before! I will show you some more pictures of my room later this week..

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I posted about the Dutch magazine Flow before. It's a feel-good magazine and each month there's a little present with it. Last month there were these stickers to put on your window.
By the way, my valentine's day was perfect! My boyfriend surprised me with a breakfast in bed with strawberries and heart shaped bread. I also got roses, tickets to a Jack Johnson concert and a nice dinner. I love him.. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm a bit sad.. I just heard Tim Burton's upcoming movie Alice in Wonderland will not be shown in Dutch theaters because of a disagreement between Disney and the theaters about the DVD release date!! So now I have to wait till June for the DVD... :( I was really looking forward to seeing the movie wich will probably be spectacular!!

A while ago I saw the version of Alice in Wonderland (Neko Z Alenky) by Jan Svankmajer, a great Czech filmmaker who has been a big influence to the Quay Brothers and to Tim Burton! Despite the freaky rabbit I really liked this version. It's so creative, esspecially if you consider this movie was made in 1987. Did you see it already?


This is my first styling publication for the Dutch Elle. It was publicated more than one year ago and looking back on it I would change many things.. Anyway, I'm glad I got to work with my favourite Dutch photographer Miep Jukkema. Check out her website cause her work is gorgeous!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy valentine's day!

Hope you will all have a great day filled with love!
(took this picture in the zoo a while ago, isn't it cute?)

Vintage finds 7

Found these gorgeous pictures a while ago in Paris. The date on the back says 1938, quite a long time ago!. I love the atmotsphere, it feels like they're secretly hanging out or something..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm back!

I hate it when I have internet connection problems! My last 2 weeks without internet were horrible! Okay, that might be a bit exaggerating but I really did miss it! Meanwhile I did have more time to do other things! After restyling my kitchen a few weeks ago it was now time for my livingroom. It's almost done and I'm already very happy with the results! Here's the moodboard I made before I got started on my livingroom but I think it turned out a bit more romantic in real life... I will show you some pictures really soon!