Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm a bit sad.. I just heard Tim Burton's upcoming movie Alice in Wonderland will not be shown in Dutch theaters because of a disagreement between Disney and the theaters about the DVD release date!! So now I have to wait till June for the DVD... :( I was really looking forward to seeing the movie wich will probably be spectacular!!

A while ago I saw the version of Alice in Wonderland (Neko Z Alenky) by Jan Svankmajer, a great Czech filmmaker who has been a big influence to the Quay Brothers and to Tim Burton! Despite the freaky rabbit I really liked this version. It's so creative, esspecially if you consider this movie was made in 1987. Did you see it already?


  1. oh no!
    I really hope it will be shown in cinemas in norway..

  2. Jammer....Lijkt mij ook wel wat. heb laatst 9 gekeken van Tim Burton.

    Ga zeker de DVD in de gaten houden. Gewoon je eigen cinema creeeren. Wit laken, dvd speler en een beamer....popcorn erbij. Top:-)

  3. Salut! Hoop dat je je sjaal inmiddels hebt voordat de winter voorbij is ;-) Hoop deze film te zien straks in Kuala L of Singapore! In Bangkok Avatar in 3D Imax gezien was super!

    Heb je gezien dat we allebei bij Pia Jane vermeld staan als 'Blogs in the spotlight!'

    x Len

  4. I have not seen this version but I will definitely be watching it; it looks very interesting and innovative.

    There is also the same dispute in the UK, but there has been no decision about it yet. :\

  5. I love this version. I own a copy. It's imaginative and inventive (exactly how alice in wonderland should be!)

  6. Oh no, I really hope it gets shown here I would really love to see the movie in 3D you just don't get the same effect on DVD *sigh*
