Thursday, February 18, 2010


I posted about the Dutch magazine Flow before. It's a feel-good magazine and each month there's a little present with it. Last month there were these stickers to put on your window.
By the way, my valentine's day was perfect! My boyfriend surprised me with a breakfast in bed with strawberries and heart shaped bread. I also got roses, tickets to a Jack Johnson concert and a nice dinner. I love him.. :)


  1. Beautiful photos! Sounds like a great valentines too! :)

  2. And oh wow you are so lucky:)

    I wish all the best for you...

    have a nice day!

  3. when i was in amsterdam two weeks ago, i saw that magazine - and totally forgot to buy it before leaving.. so lovely, wish i would find such a cute magazine here, too! still love your blog..

  4. very nice post, net zoals jij ben ik een grote fan van Flow...super die stickers was er zo blij mee, maar je wordt ook blij van Flow.


  5. What a sweetie you have there! Definitely a keeper, lucky you:)

  6. wow what an amazing post once again! love your blog sooooo much! such an inspiration. definitely bookmarking you xox
    hope you can stop by mine sometime


  7. Such lovely stickers! Sound like you had a fantastic V day!
