Saturday, July 24, 2010

Portobello Road

We visited Notthing Hill on a monday morning when it was still really quiet. The sun was shining and we were planning to get a cupcake at The Hummingbird Bakery. Just a perfect day.. I fell in love with these lovely houses on Portobello road. Why doesn't everyone paint their house in a pretty pastel? The world would look so much happier!
By the way, this is the first time I show a picture with me on it on my blog! I'm wearing the dress I bought at Topshop :).


  1. i love the gorgeous pastels! beautiful photos.

    xo Alison

  2. Love this street too! Doesn't seem real, it's so lovely!

    And you are mighty pretty too, my dear ;)

  3. Nice photos, the color of those house are beautiful.

  4. I'd love to live in a pretty house like that too!!

  5. Love portobello Road...before I read your post my eyes were already drawn to the the dress, suits you well!

  6. Lovely pics, the pink door is stunning!
