Tuesday, July 27, 2010


De Parade is a festival which is traveling through Holland in summer. It started in Rotterdam where I live and I visited it a few times. It's just a really laidback festival where you can visit theater performances, listen to music, eat some delicious food, make your own 'poffertjes' (Dutch little pancakes), hang out with your friends and meet some new people. It's one of my favourite festivals! If you ever come to Holland in summer (I think you should not come in any other season) you should definitely visit De Parade! I took the pictures below at de Parade in The Hague which was actually even more fun and bigger than the one in Rotterdam.


  1. What a gorgeous post, so festive and happy, great photos too! I found your darling blog via our lovely Dustjacket Attic, whom I adore and am great friends with. You have wonderful taste and I am happy to be following your journey now. Come by and visit when you have a moment!! xoxo :)

  2. It looks lovely!
