Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spitalfields Market

When you go to Londen just make sure you visit Spitalfields market. There are some great market stands with creative people who sell their (often self-made) jewellery, clothes, little presents, food and vintage things. I was there on a Sunday which turned out to be the best day to visit this market cause there are more stands on this day. There are some really nice stores there as well. It's such an inspiring place and I wanted to buy all these pretty things but I only bought just one ring with a rose on it I will show you later.


  1. This sunday I'll go to a furniture market :) I belive that you would like it!!

    Have a nice day!!!

    sorry for my english, it's bad!!!

  2. love this market...would buy a lot:-) London, spitalfield..making myself a mental note.

  3. A good market is so fun, like a treasure trove.

  4. i used to work not that far from spitafield and i lived not that far from notting hill- gosh i miss it so much. i love coming back to sobinique... all the best! x

  5. great photos! my favorite is the "i'm on the gin and tonic diet" one. love it!

  6. i don't know when i'll be going to london but i'll take a note and make sure i visit this market when i go there! all your photos are so whimsical!
