Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Amsterdam: Made by hand

Quite some time has passed but a while ago I joined a very special wander through Amsterdam organised by the amazingly creative Pia Jane Bijkerk to promote her new book 'Amsterdam: made by hand'. My computer had some trouble with opening the pictures I made that day but this week I finally managed! That's the reason of this delay..
Though I live in The Netherlands and I've visited Amsterdam countless times I had so much fun cause I got to go to places I've never been before! Pia made these little booklets with a hand drawn map in it to guide us though the area 'De Pijp'. We saw some great shops, boutiques and ateliers here. I took quite some pictures so I will post more of them later but here is just a little preview.

Art supplies shop 'Van Beek':
Ecologic supermarket 'De Draad':
At the end of the wander we had a hight tea in the backyard of the Van Rossum bookstore. There were lots of delicious pies and scones of which I didn't take enough pictures cause I just couldn't wait eating them! I tried them all! :)

I really want to thank Pia Jane for organising this day cause it was so much fun! Maybe it's stupid but I always get a bit nervous when I meet people who I quite admire. Pia Jane was really sweet though and she signed my copy of her book!
If you ever visit Amsterdam just make sure you take this book with you! I'm going to Amsterdam tomorrow again!


  1. oh what a wondrous idea and an even more wondrous place!

  2. This little book is so inspiring.

    I visited the Netherlands many years ago but never got to Amsterdam. It was only recently I talked about paying a visit.

    Just the few things you talk about here makes it seem worth it!


  3. When I go to the Netherlands, I'll have to pick up that book. And have high tea at that bookstore looks wonderful
