Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Through the viewfinder

An old picture of my livingroom through the viewfinder of my ful-vue camera. The lovely Holly of the amazing blog Decor8 posted some pictures of my livingroom here. I wish my blog would look like hers some day!
There were some people wondering why I've got my dress hanging up on my wall and why I've got one shoe in my cabinet. It's just that I love this dress but I don't really wear it that often so now I can enjoy it even when I'm not wearing it cause I think it looks quite pretty on my wall. I don't really like 'rules' for decorating. I also work as a fashion stylist so I love being around gorgeous clothes! The shoe in my cabinet was a price I won in 2008 for a styling contest organised by the magazine Elle: The Elle Style Awards. At that time I just started working as a stylist so I'm still a bit proud I won this award, that's why it's got a place in my cabinet! :)

This is me with my models just after I won (I've got the golden shoe in my hand underneath the flowers :) )

Sorry for the bad quality of this photo, it's scanned from a magazine.. My theme was hippie deluxe by the way.


  1. Your blog is really lovely! I'm adding it to my blogroll so I can stop by and visit. :)

  2. I liked how you hung the dress as art, it made me want to do the same.
    How special to share the story behind the shoe. A much deserved award and from Elle no less! My favourite fashion magazine.
    I hadn't realised you were in the photo till I read your words. I thought it was a line up of all models, as you look so beautiful!
    Kat xx
