Thursday, September 30, 2010

I will miss you...

..summer! The warm, sunny days are over. It's getting really cold already! No more going to the beach, barbecues in the park or having breakfast on my balcony. Well, I'm gonna make the best of it, I'm trying to look on the bright side of autumn: Cosy nights with hot chocolat watching movies on the couch. Sounds quite alright...

Some photos of my balcony from last summer..


  1. Oh! i love your balcony, and the bird houses :)

    have a nice day!

  2. What a lovely balcony and photos :) I too, wish summer was not ending. I like it far better than fall and winter, but I'll try to look on the bright side of things too.

  3. such a lovely little balcony, every single corner of your place is just soooo nice and cozy! bring on hot chocolate on the couch with a blanky. i'm looking fwd to see more sun here in the other side of the world instead hehe.. (i'm based in sydney)

  4. hoe leuk zijn die vogelhuisjes!
