Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bon anniversaire!

Today it's been exactly one year since my first blog post! Time goes by so fast!
It's been quite an intense year. You might not have noticed that cause I don't always share that much personal stuff here, but I think this year (and esspecially the last months) has been the year that I really got to know myself. It's been a year of ups and downs, with some amazing hightlights which made me so happy and some great dissapointments which made me truly sad... It might sound stupid but I feel like I've learned a lot about life, people and about myself. A few years ago I already felt like an adult and like I knew it all but when I look back now I can see I learned a lot and I really changed since! And I know now there's still so much left to learn!

Well.. back to blogging: I would like to know what you think about my blog? Do you have some suggestions or tips for me? I would love to hear them cause I know that also in blogging I can still learn a lot! :) I know my English is not always perfect but I hope it doesn't bother you too much.

Anyway.. I wanted to thank my followers. It feels good to see people are coming back to see my blog and I love reading the comments I get! I don't always find the time to respond but I really appreciate getting them! Thanks!



  1. congratulations on your blog's first birthday =)

    i think your blog is absolutely lovely the way it is; that's why i'm subscribing to sobinique. i love your styling and your photography, and i'm quite jealous of how you manage to keep your sidebars so clean and simple... you've been an inspiration for me regarding a clean layout (but i don't manage it as well as you do).

    i don't think you should change anything - except if you feel like it yourself! i'm looking forward to the next year =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gefeliciteerd! En complimenten voor je blog :-) Niks veranderen hoor, gewoon zo doorgaan! Groetjes uit Parijs

  4. congrats for your blogs birthday. it´s a beautiful blog! wish you a lovely start in the new week!

  5. Volgens mij is je blog een weerspiegeling van wie je bent en dat maakt het zo leuk. Het is niet standaard, steeds wat anders. Ik zou er niets aan veranderen. Heb er wel bewondering voor hoe overzichtelijk je het houdt, snap nog steeds niets van de lay out in de mijne:-)

    Gefeliciteerd en hoop nog veel van je blog te mogen genieten!

  6. Happy happy happy birthday!!!!! And congratulatinos for your lovely, and sweety, and cute blog!!!! Have a nice year :)

  7. Congratulations on your "blog birthday"! :D I recently found your blog and it`s lovely!!

    Good luck to the future as well!

  8. Je blog is prachtig in zijn huidige vorm, wat mij betreft hoef je niets te veranderen. De enige opbouwende kritiek die ik je kan geven is: regelmatiger posten, zodat wij (je lezers) vaker worden verblijd! Wellicht een handige tip in dit verband: je kunt op momenten dat je wat langer de tijd hebt een aantal posts tegelijk voorbereiden en deze opslaan, dan hoef je op het moment dat je wilt posten maar verder weinig tijd hebt alleen nog maar in te loggen en op "publiceren" te drukken.

  9. happy blog anniversary! love your blog and love your photos! i'd love to see more of your lovely lovely place, every single corner of it is just sooo pretty and inspiring :) your english is perfect btw!

  10. Oh happy blog birthday! Yours is one of the sweetest I've come across and I always enjoy going through your pictures. I can't always find the time to comment now but it doesn't mean I love your blog any less:)


  11. Happy 1st Birthday to SoBinique!
    One of my favourites and always a pleasure to read. ( your English is so good honey so do not worry about that at all)
    I would love to see more photos of you and to know your name?
    Otherwise just keep sharing what you are, it's beautiful
    love kat x

  12. Magnifique! I LOve your sweet is all so dreamy:) I have put you on my blog~ thanks for inspiring!

  13. Wat leuk! Ik ben ook net 1 jaar! Ik heb geen tips. Je blog is perfect zo. Ik heb je pas net ontdekt, maar ga je zeker volgen. Ik zag dat je bevriend bent met Lenneke. Ik volg sinds kort een fotocursus en zit bij haar in de 'klas'. Liefs, Esther
