Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Button up!

I was walking on the market in Rotterdam last week when I saw this pretty suitcase filled with all these coloured buttons! I wanted to buy the whole suitcase but I should stop collecting all this stuff cause my house is getting too small for all my collections! So I only took some photos and I didn't even buy one button! I felt quite proud of myself! ;)
Or maybe I should just try to find myself a bigger house..


  1. Oh wow, how cute! I think they'd look great displayed in a mason jar :)

  2. wow...i dont know that i could have resisted all those amazing buttons :)

  3. oh my that would be a hard one to walk on by....i say get a bigger house!:)

  4. oh...knap...ik zou ook echt moeite hebben om de verleiding te weerstaan, zou allerlei redenen bedenken om ze toch te mogen kopen:-)
